Blockchain Investments And Top Crypto Currencies In 2018

Don't you understand that crypto is just a phase, it's going to die; it is dying. And please understand this delicately; blockchain will outlast crypto and a smart investor would do well to invest not only in the top crypto currencies in 2018 but more-so in actual blockchain technology! The Death Of Crypto Currencies First off, I am not saying from an ENTIRE industry stand point that crypto is dying. The simple point I am making is that there are 609 less government-issued currencies today than there were in the 15th century. Do you really think that all 1,350 different crypto currencies that exist today will ACTUALLY be here next week, next month, next quarter, or…

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The Journey As An Entrepreneur

If you are popular, always in the crowd, used to things working out, or getting paid by the hour, fuck you this post isn't for your bitch ass. Entrepreneur is a term often used to describe someone that has ideas; people use the term too much. Let me tell you what a real entrepreneur is, because the feelings are all too familiar for those of us who have "made it" and forged our own path in life.  I am going to begin with my story and how I came to be where I am today...and I am sure I will look back at this post years or even months from now and tell myself, "you…

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