Ben Oberg

Chief Executive Officer

My name’s Ben Oberg. I’m a digital marketing and sales expert with a passion for building wealth using cash-flowing and tax-friendly hard assets.

I got into sales at 19 and became the top producer in my district. At 22, I left to start my first business, building and selling custom motorcycle accessories for Harley Davidsons.

A couple years later I started a marketing agency where I helped my clients scale their businesses, dominate their competition, provide unbeatable customer service, and sell their products and services at multi-million dollar levels.

In 2018 I made my first million and haven’t slowed down since. In 2023 my agency was acquired by a large financial services company, freeing up my time and energy to focus on other things.

You can probably tell I don’t believe in the bullshit “path to success” we’ve all been fed in the last 50 or so years. However, I do believe in the simple, old-school capitalist principles that made this country great.

That means starting businesses (from scratch) without anyone else’s permission, acquiring physical cash-flowing assets you can touch, see, and measure, and doing everything you can to legally minimize or avoid the ridiculous income tax rates that were introduced as “temporary measures” during the two world wars.

My mission is simple: teach others the strategies I’ve used to store, protect, and grow the wealth I’ve created outside of the modern financial system.

Just a guy who became great at marketing, sales, and business. Simply here to help you do the same and share the valuable lessons & ethics along the way!

Just a guy who became great at marketing, sales, and business. Simply here to help you do the same and share the valuable lessons & ethics along the way!

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