Bringing True Capitalism Back To The Nation That Perfected It, and teaching others how to build real wealth 

A ragtag militia of New England farmers didn’t defeat the world’s largest empire so you could stay in debt to others your whole life.

Cowboys, gold miners, and railroad barons didn’t tame the western frontier so you could sit in traffic for two hours a day on your way to a job you hate.

Your grandfather and his buddies didn’t storm the beaches of Normandy so you could watch the value of your imaginary paper currency evaporate in real-time.

Your ancestors made these sacrifices for the principles on which this beautiful country (of ours) USED to stand: enlightenment-era ideas of liberty, self-sufficiency, and free market capitalism.

Bringing True Capitalism Back To The Nation That Perfected It, and teaching others how to build real wealth 

A ragtag militia of New England farmers didn’t defeat the world’s largest empire so you could stay in debt to others your whole life.

Cowboys, gold miners, and railroad barons didn’t tame the western frontier so you could sit in traffic for two hours a day on your way to a job you hate.

Your grandfather and his buddies didn’t storm the beaches of Normandy so you could watch the value of your imaginary paper currency evaporate in real-time.

Your ancestors made these sacrifices for the principles on which this beautiful country (of ours) USED to stand: enlightenment-era ideas of liberty, self-sufficiency, and free market capitalism.

What Is True Capitalism?

And why do most of us no longer practice it?

What Do I Teach?

The old-school traditional capitalism this country was founded on. Period.

What Do I Teach?

The old-school traditional capitalism this country was founded on. Period.

These are the “economics” you didn’t learn in school.

BTW, you’ll never learn the actual state of the global economy in sheep school. Why?

Because it would scare you away from participating in the modern financial system that American universities are very much a part of (did you know student loan debt is the federal government’s largest asset? Nuts, huh?).

This system dates back to the founding of the Federal Reserve in 1913, a private enterprise that makes money at our expense by manipulating banks and the money supply.

I will share with you uncomfortable realities about the true extent of the country’s debt, the predatory nature of the university and student loan industry, the stupidity of locking money up in retirement accounts, and the precarious position of the US dollar no longer being the world’s reserve currency.

In Short, What Playing By The Producer Class Tax Rules Means, NOT The Consumer Class

The IRS has two very different tax rules for two very different types of people: producers and consumers.

Producers are people who build shit and drive our economy forward. 

They’re the entrepreneurs, investors, farmers, oilmen, and innovators.

Consumers are people who buy the shit the producer class makes.

They’re the students, 9-5ers, burger flippers, and retirees.

The producer class is rewarded for their efforts with a completely different set of tax rules, breaks, and incentives. The government charges the consumer class with the highest, least flexible tax rates in the tax code because, well, it can! The consumer class has no leverage because it is not driving growth.

Your so-called financial “experts,” teachers, parents, school, employer, and almost any “typical” organization you can think of operate and support the consumer tax class, and as a sad result, likely so do you.

I will teach you the difference between these two tax systems and show you how to play by the rules of the producer class (even if you don’t have your own business yet).

Why Should You Listen To Me?

If you’re easily offended, you probably shouldn’t. Stop here!

I don’t have a degree, I don’t come from money, and I’m not a polished professional. When my friends went off to college after high school, I went to work selling cars.

The job gave me the real-world experience my friends in college weren’t getting. I learned how to work hard, negotiate, sell, communicate, and balance multiple things simultaneously. I’m not exaggerating when I say the skills I learned at this job were life-changing and are the foundation for everything I do today.

When I was 22, I quit my job and started my first business, Vulcan Customs, which builds custom motorcycle parts and accessories for Harley Davidsons.

A couple of years later, I started another business, a digital marketing firm that was acquired by a financial services company in 2023. At 26, I made my first million, and I have only gotten better each year.

I’m in my 30s now, and every year, I acquire more real assets, such as businesses, real estate, oil, and gold, that are expanding my cash flow and building me indestructible wealth outside the modern financial system.

Why Should You Listen To Me?

If you’re easily offended, you probably shouldn’t. Stop here!

I don’t have a degree, I don’t come from money, and I’m not a polished professional. When my friends went off to college after high school, I went to work selling cars.

The job gave me the real-world experience my friends in college weren’t getting. I learned how to work hard, negotiate, sell, communicate, and balance multiple things simultaneously. I’m not exaggerating when I say the skills I learned at this job were life-changing and are the foundation for everything I do today.

When I was 22, I quit my job and started my first business, Vulcan Customs, which builds custom motorcycle parts and accessories for Harley Davidsons.

A couple of years later, I started another business, a digital marketing firm that was acquired by a financial services company in 2023. At 26, I made my first million, and I have only gotten better each year.

I’m in my 30s now, and every year, I acquire more real assets, such as businesses, real estate, oil, and gold, that are expanding my cash flow and building me indestructible wealth outside the modern financial system.

It’s Not Just About The Money

It’s about the freedom (and choices) money provides.

I believe making money for its own sake is a sad way to live. I’ve met a lot of people who do this and they’re some of the most unhappy people I know. Balance is key people!

The wealth and cash flow I’ve built are a means to an end, NOT the end itself. It gives me the time, independence, and freedom of location I need to pursue the things that actually matter to me.

If you follow me, you’ll see the passions my wealth and cash flow allow me to cultivate, things like cars, international travel, food, and the outdoors.

Whether you share these passions or have your own, I want to show you the why behind what I do and inspire you to find your own why.

It’s Not Just About The Money

It’s about the freedom (and choices) money provides.

I believe making money for its own sake is a sad way to live. I’ve met a lot of people who do this and they’re some of the most unhappy people I know. Balance is key people!

The wealth and cash flow I’ve built are a means to an end, NOT the end itself. It gives me the time, independence, and freedom of location I need to pursue the things that actually matter to me.

If you follow me, you’ll see the passions my wealth and cash flow allow me to cultivate, things like cars, international travel, food, and the outdoors.

Whether you share these passions or have your own, I want to show you the why behind what I do and inspire you to find your own why.

Stop Theorizing, Start Doing

This isn’t a university course, and I’m not another BS “guru”.

If there’s one thing I hate, it’s people who theorize about things they don’t actually do. College professors, self-help gurus, coaches of coaches who coach coaches, they all fucking suck.

I don’t teach theory, and I don’t teach anything I’ve never done myself. Everything you’ll get from me is based on my actual life experience. And I won’t just give you the good, you’ll get the bad and the ugly too.

Why? Because mistakes are the proof that you’re actually doing shit worth doing in life. Anyone who doesn’t share their mistakes and pretends to be perfect is either not actually doing anything or is more concerned about promoting their own self-image than helping you succeed.

My goal is to share both the mistakes I’ve made AND the actionable, step-by-step strategies I’ve used to create indestructible wealth, passive cash flow, and an abundance of time to do the things I love.

Which is exactly why I run the community I do. Allow me to introduce you to it briefly:

My community, The Infinite Capital Formula takes time, discipline, and commitment. If you commit and follow the steps, you will create indestructible wealth and cash flow backed by ultra-resilient hard assets that can weather any economic storm.

Click Here To Get FREE Access To The Infinite Capital Formula!

Just a guy who became great at marketing, sales, and business. Simply here to help you do the same and share the valuable lessons & ethics along the way!

Just a guy who became great at marketing, sales, and business. Simply here to help you do the same and share the valuable lessons & ethics along the way!

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