Your Biggest Fault Is Your Mindset

Your Biggest Fault Is Your Mindset

Somewhere along the way we lost our direction. There was a point way back in time when we could have done anything. It’s likely that when you were a kid you used to see things with total innocence and anything seemed possible; you were going to fly, you were going to go to the moon, you were going to be a professional race car driver, you were going to be a great singer. And then someone told you that you couldn’t do that, someone told you that you were crazy, someone told you to be normal, and as a result you have this false mindset about yourself; your biggest fault is your mindset.

Get Rid Of The Ass Hole In Your Life

It may have happened when you were a kid or possibly when you became an adult; but at some point you stopped believing in what is possible for your life because you listened to some ass hole that came into your life and told you you couldn’t do something. That ass hole could be your wife, your husband, your own kid, your parents, or some shit bag college professor.  Whoever that person is, get them the fuck out of your life.

The result of where you are at in your life RIGHT NOW as you’re reading this is entirely because of what you think about yourself. If you decided that you wanted a fancy car more than what your budget could actually afford it’s your fault that you now have no money and are in debt. If you decided that you are going to pretty much eat whatever you want and you’re now 336 pounds; you’re overweight because of the decisions you have made. If you decided two years ago to start your own business yet five days per week for the last two years you have gone to the same job without dedicating any time towards starting your own business, well then you’re still at that shit ass job because of the DECISIONS THAT YOU MADE.

Now what doesn’t matter is how you ended up in this position, why you ended up in this position, or who you listened to that beat down your mindset. What matters is that you must realize that you are not here to stay, this is not you, this is simply where you are at in life right now.

You see, if we decide that we are going to be in debt for a long time because we just opened the envelop and saw our mortagage payment, we are right; we will be in debt because that is how we view our situation. We have decided to stay in this position do nothing about it.

If we decide as business owners that our products are worth $40 we are saying to ourselves right then and there, “My product is worth $40, what I do is worth $40, and that’s it.” The painter that sells his art for $400 vs the painter that painted the same picture and sells it for $40 has decided that his craftsmanship, his time, his creativity, his effort, his talents, his skills, his business, and his passion are worth $400 (no less, no more, just $400).

You’re At Where You’re At Because Of You

So I am saying to you that if you are not happy with where you are at in life; physically, emotionally, financially, spiritually, economically, or in any other way; YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN CHANGE IT.

Stop blaming the divorce, stop blaming the alimony, stop blaming the drugs, stop blaming the alcohol addiction, stop blaming the other person, stop giving me the reason why you’re in the situation that you are in, stop blaming your empty pocket.

If where you are at in life is not where you want to be and you haven’t manifested your goals it comes down to only two things…

  1. You put more energy and focus on why you don’t have what you want, why you can’t have what you want, why you aren’t successful, and you have negative self talk.
  2. You are indeed on the path to success, you’re showing up everyday, putting in the work, controlling your thoughts and what you give your time and energy to, and you’re simply not there yet. You are on the way, you just aren’t there…..yet.

If #1 sounds like you, okay enough of that; switch to #2.

If #2 sounds like you, okay great; keep going.


We have much to control.

We must control what and who we give our time to: Most people will waste your time. Many people will even tell you what you need to do or what you should do. Small talk is the worst, I personally will not ever acknowledge someone that says, “Hey, Hi, How are you today, Hey Ben, etc.” This is basic shit that I don’t have time for.

Many people will also try to sell you on ideas, products or services. If you have a vision you need to stay true to that vision and only give time to things involved in manifesting that vision; everything and everyone else can go fuck off in a corner.

Watch what you say about yourself: One negative thought has 10 times more power than a positive thought, it can absolutely fuck up your whole day, or even your whole week. It is much easier to be negative about something or allow the happenings in a day to negatively effect your spirit. It takes practice to give no energy to these negative things, it takes practice to control your thoughts, it takes practice to control what you think about yourself, and it takes practice to nip a negative thought before it conspires and replace it with a positive thought.

Replace, “I can’t,” thoughts with, “I can,” or, “I will,” thoughts. What we say we can do is true, what we say we can’t do is also true.

If you are a millionaire; you are.

If you are rich, you are.

If you are a criminal, you are.

If you are a republican, you are.

If you are a democrat, you are.

You can tell yourself and everyone else that you are broke, or you can simply say “I’m just overcoming a brief cash flow problem. I am not here to stay, I am here to go.”

You don’t like something, change it.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. i will anyhow

    1. Always be in a state of improvement!

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